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To envision gardenscapes that invite respite from daily life and inspire the imagination.

This mission statement captures our ultimate goal, and we leverage these guiding principles to help us fully realize that goal:

The Client and the Site


We truly believe the client's desires should guide the direction of any design; just as important, the site itself dictates its own directives - one cannot plant a sun-loving aster under a shady oak.  We aim to meld both of these into bold designs that will nurture all of those who visit the garden.  


Ecological Harmony


What better way to assist nature than by leveraging our own landscapes?  By utilizing a largely native plant palette, we will not only increase the food supply for pollinators on our properties, but we will create sources of nourishment for our birds and other higher forms of life. 


Horticultural Savvy


New research yields new standards and techniques in gardening, and staying in the know is key.  We pride ourselves on unrelenting research and education to remain on top of all things related to design and bring the highest horticultural acumen to the spaces we create. 

Rob May is passionate about the intersections of gardening and aesthetics, and takes a cue from what Michael Pollan has said: "A garden should make you feel you've entered privileged space...the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry."  In addition to having worked with residential clients, Rob has designed public spaces for Beautify Crestwood, Zion Cemetery in North County, and Wild Ones (an organization dedicated to landscaping with native plants). He has also served as a Bring Conservation Home advisor with the Audubon Society of St. Louis.  When he is not designing gardenscapes, he can be found cobbling together tasty dinners, sticking his nose in a book about his latest non-fiction obession, or in the park walking his dog.

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